Invisible Bead Extensions

Service Details & Care Instructions

Service Details

This service is perfect for those who are looking to add volume, length or all of the above.

This luxury method is created by installing extensions that support the natural fall and growth of your hair. Then we custom color the extensions to blend seamlessly with your natural hair. No tape, glue, bonds, or bulky wefts. 

Whether you're looking to add volume, length or both, we have you covered with Invisible Bean Extensions. They are comfortable and invisible, allowing you to confidently rock whatever hairstyle you desire. 

Extension Care Instructions

Click on any of the topics below to learn more about extension care and maintenance.

  • We suggest washing your hair 1 to 2 times a week with Davines, Kevin Murphy or Goldie Locks shampoo/conditioner. Do not wash your hair everyday, as it will shorten the life of your extension hair. Before washing, you need to brush all of the tangles out. If you have multiple rows, section the rows half up, half down so that you’re able to cleanse between the rows. Gently wash as normal and be sure to avoid rubbing the ends of your hair together. 2 washes may be necessary to thoroughly cleanse your hair and the extensions. When conditioning, only apply conditioner from the ears down, and around the face framing pieces. Avoid conditioner at the scalp and where the extensions are tied in to avoid build up. Use a wet brush or a wide tooth comb to gently brush the conditioner through before rinsing it out. After washing, always use a serum/oil & heat protectant to style your hair. This will allow your extensions to live a longer and beautiful life!

    If you simply cannot go without washing daily, do the “half wash” to preserve the extension hair. Start by sectioning out the top section of your hair, then braid your extensions so they stay out of the way. Once you have your hair sectioned and ready to wash, put your head directly under the faucet/sink/shower and shampoo & condition the top section of your natural hair.

  • Hard water is water that has a high mineral content. High mineral contents can cause extreme hair color fading, turning the extension root orange, build up and hair dryness. Install a shower head filter to keep these harsh minerals off of your hair. A favorite of ours is the Aqua Bliss on amazon.

  • Gently squeeze the water out of your hair, do not rub. Spray in your favorite leave-in product. Make sure before drying you protect your hair with a heat protectant. Follow with brushing through with a wet brush/wide tooth comb. Before drying make sure each row is completely brushed out from the top of the weft, to the bottom. Before using a brush to blow dry, use your fingers only to blow dry 80% of your hair, then follow with a round brush and light tension for the last few minutes of your blow dry.

  • Shampoo, conditioner and other hair products need to be extension friendly – meaning they should be paraben and sulfate free. You also need to be using an oil/serum daily on dry hair for added moisture to maintain the longest life for your extensions. A moisture mask is also crucial to use once a week. 

  • We recommend braiding your hair or putting it in a loose, high ponytail with a silk scrunchie. It’s also best to sleep on a silk pillowcase (this is great for your face AND hair). Cotton pillowcases can cause frizz and split ends over time. Silk pillowcases are much more gentle on your hair.  Do not sleep on your extensions while they’re wet; it will damage your natural hair and can cause matting and mold.

  • STYLINGAs far as tools go, you can straighten and curl your hair like normal! Don’t forget to apply a heat protectant before using hot tools! You'll find that you have to style you hair WAY less with extensions because it holds the style SO well. Curling your hair once or twice a week will sometimes be just enough. This honestly saves so much time!

    Brush your hair multiple times a day to avoid excessive tangles/matting. It’s best to use a wet brush or wide tooth comb for gentle effectiveness. You can put your hair up in a high-pony or bun. IBE is the best for this! You don’t have to worry about seeing beads or tape!

  • The big question – Can you swim with extensions?

    Yes – BUT with caution. There are minerals found in some water that can react poorly with your extensions  and can cause discoloration or dry them out.

    To avoid this, we suggest doing the following:

    • Wet your hair before getting into the pool/ocean/lake, etc. After wetting, apply a leave-in conditioner or hair mask.

    • Comb your conditioner or mask through your hair, then braid it or put it in a tight bun or pony.

    • Brush & wash your hair immediately after swimming.

    • Beware of sunscreen, most brands contain ingredients (Avobenzone) that will turn your extensions a brassy orange or peach color. 

    • Davines Love Smoothing shampoo/conditioner

    • Davines Oi shampoo/conditioner

    • Goldie Locks shampoo/conditioner

    • Aqua Bliss shower head filter

    • Davines Oi Oil

    • Goldie Locks serum

    • Davines Oi All in one Milk

    • Davines Invisible Dry Shampoo

    • Wet Brush

    • Silk Pillowcase

    • Goldie Locks sunscreen

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